Huntington's Disease Clinical Trials 2024

Huntington's Disease Clinical Trials 2024

Huntington's Disease research studies recruiting patients in 2024 need your help. Receive premium care & cutting edge treatments by enrolling in huntington's disease clinical trials today.

Trials for HD Patients

Los Angeles, California

Behavioural Intervention

Physical Activity for Huntington's Disease

Recruiting1 award4 criteria
Los Angeles, California

Huntington's disease (HD) is a genetic, degenerative neurological disease that affects individuals in their third-fourth decade of life and individuals can live 15-20 years with manifest HD. The complex disease symptoms, including motor, cognitive and behavioural impairments, result in loss of functional independence and progressive escalation of healthcare costs. The personal, social and economic consequences of HD are devastating, especially as there are currently no disease modification therapies available. Environmental factors, including exercise and physical activity, have the potential to minimize the functional impact of HD. Animal models of HD have provided the first evidence that exercise has the potential to delay or alter disease progression. A range of studies in clinical populations have shown that short-term exercise (\< 3 months) is well tolerated and has the potential to improve quality of life, fitness and motor impairments in HD. Despite these promising studies, there are critical knowledge gaps that prevent the intelligent application of exercise as a therapeutic intervention in HD. Firstly, there have been no prospective evaluations of the potential role of physical activity and exercise in disease modification in HD. To date, only retrospective data has suggested that lifestyle factors, including sedentary behavior, could negatively affect disease progression in HD. Secondly, it is not known if sustained exercise (\> 3 months) is feasible, and if it has the potential to improve cognitive outcomes, such as has been shown in other neurodegenerative diseases. Such longer-term studies are essential to elucidate the potential for exercise to have a disease-modifying effect; the mechanisms through which such improvement may occur have yet to be explored. In this trial, the investigators will employ a systematic approach for routinely collecting prospective physical activity and fitness data and monitoring physical activity behaviour in 120 individuals with HD. The investigators will use a database to track physical activity and exercise behaviour alongside standardized disease-specific outcome measures during two annual visits. Assessment will incorporate VO2max, a surrogate measure of fitness and a direct measure of oxygen uptake related to central nervous system (CNS) function and structure, and the use of wearable technologies (Gene-activ activity monitors) that capture and quantify dose (frequency, duration, intensity) of physical activity in a large HD cohort. The investigators will further conduct a within-cohort randomized control trial (RCT) of a 12-month exercise intervention in HD, comparing a supported structured aerobic exercise training program to activity as usual. This intervention will also incorporate a physical activity coaching program developed and evaluated by our group with a view to encouraging longer term exercise uptake.

Trials With No Placebo

Los Angeles, California

Behavioural Intervention

Physical Activity for Huntington's Disease

Recruiting1 award4 criteria
Los Angeles, California

Huntington's disease (HD) is a genetic, degenerative neurological disease that affects individuals in their third-fourth decade of life and individuals can live 15-20 years with manifest HD. The complex disease symptoms, including motor, cognitive and behavioural impairments, result in loss of functional independence and progressive escalation of healthcare costs. The personal, social and economic consequences of HD are devastating, especially as there are currently no disease modification therapies available. Environmental factors, including exercise and physical activity, have the potential to minimize the functional impact of HD. Animal models of HD have provided the first evidence that exercise has the potential to delay or alter disease progression. A range of studies in clinical populations have shown that short-term exercise (\< 3 months) is well tolerated and has the potential to improve quality of life, fitness and motor impairments in HD. Despite these promising studies, there are critical knowledge gaps that prevent the intelligent application of exercise as a therapeutic intervention in HD. Firstly, there have been no prospective evaluations of the potential role of physical activity and exercise in disease modification in HD. To date, only retrospective data has suggested that lifestyle factors, including sedentary behavior, could negatively affect disease progression in HD. Secondly, it is not known if sustained exercise (\> 3 months) is feasible, and if it has the potential to improve cognitive outcomes, such as has been shown in other neurodegenerative diseases. Such longer-term studies are essential to elucidate the potential for exercise to have a disease-modifying effect; the mechanisms through which such improvement may occur have yet to be explored. In this trial, the investigators will employ a systematic approach for routinely collecting prospective physical activity and fitness data and monitoring physical activity behaviour in 120 individuals with HD. The investigators will use a database to track physical activity and exercise behaviour alongside standardized disease-specific outcome measures during two annual visits. Assessment will incorporate VO2max, a surrogate measure of fitness and a direct measure of oxygen uptake related to central nervous system (CNS) function and structure, and the use of wearable technologies (Gene-activ activity monitors) that capture and quantify dose (frequency, duration, intensity) of physical activity in a large HD cohort. The investigators will further conduct a within-cohort randomized control trial (RCT) of a 12-month exercise intervention in HD, comparing a supported structured aerobic exercise training program to activity as usual. This intervention will also incorporate a physical activity coaching program developed and evaluated by our group with a view to encouraging longer term exercise uptake.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the 'trial drug' — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
Is there any support for travel costs?
Many of the teams running clinical trials will cover the cost of transportation to-and-from their care center.
Will I know what medication I am taking?
This depends on the specific study. If you're worried about receiving a placebo, you can actively filter out these trials using our search.
How long do clinical trials last?
Some trials will only require a single visit, while others will continue until your disease returns. It's fairly common for a trial to last somewhere between 1 and 6 months.
Do you verify all the trials on your website?
All of the trials listed on Power have been formally registered with the US Food and Drug Administration. Beyond this, some trials on Power have been formally 'verified' if the team behind the trial has completed an additional level of verification with our team.
How quickly will I hear back from a clinical trial?
Sadly, this response time can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks. We're working hard to speed up how quickly you hear back — in general, verified trials respond to patients within a few days.

Introduction to huntington's disease

What are the top hospitals conducting huntington's disease research?

Advancements in clinical trials for Huntington's disease are taking place at top hospitals across the United States. In Nashville, Vanderbilt University Medical Center is leading the way with three active trials dedicated to this challenging neurodegenerative condition. Their commitment to research began in 2012 when they recorded their first trial focused on Huntington's disease. Additionally, Sage Investigational Sites in locations such as Boca Raton, Tampa, Washington, and Englewood are also making significant contributions to advancing treatments for this debilitating disorder. These sites collectively have a total of eleven all-time Huntington's disease trials and are currently conducting three ongoing trials each. Notably, these Sage Investigational Sites started recording their first Huntington's disease trial in 2022, emphasizing their dedication to finding effective therapies for individuals living with this devastating illness.

Huntington’s disease is a rare genetic disorder that affects the brain and progressively impairs both physical and cognitive functions. It typically emerges during adulthood but can manifest at any age. The symptoms of Huntington’s include involuntary movements (known as chorea), cognitive decline, emotional disturbances, and difficulties with speech and swallowing. Currently incurable, managing the symptoms of Huntington’s requires multidisciplinary care involving medication management, therapy interventions,and support from patient advocacy groups.

The presence of multiple hospitals actively engaged in clinical research for Huntington’s disease is an encouraging sign for those affected by this condition.As researchers work tirelessly towards new breakthroughs,it offers hope for improved quality of lifeand potential future treatments.Finding more effective approaches to alleviate the burden this neurological disorder places on individuals,families,and communitiesis crucial.With every trial conducted at these esteemed institutions,new knowledge is gained,enabling us inch closer towards better understanding,Huntington,surpassing limitations imposed by it,and ultimately discovering novel therapeutics that may change lives forever

Which are the best cities for huntington's disease clinical trials?

For individuals seeking Huntington's disease clinical trials, several cities emerge as key destinations for cutting-edge research. Baltimore, Maryland offers 6 active trials focusing on treatments such as SAGE-718, intra-striatal rAAV5-miHTT, and Tominersen 60 mg. Washington, District of Columbia also boasts 6 ongoing studies investigating interventions like SAGE-718 and Tominersen 60 mg. Additionally, Birmingham, Alabama provides access to 5 active trials exploring options like Tominersen 60 mg and SAGE-718. Englewood, Colorado is another notable city with 5 ongoing trials studying treatments including Tominersen 60 mg and PTC518. Lastly, Tampa, Florida showcases a range of opportunities with its own set of 5 active studies involving interventions like SAGE-718 and Cohort 1 (Direct Rollover). These cities serve as hubs for groundbreaking research in the field of Huntington's disease clinical trials.

Which are the top treatments for huntington's disease being explored in clinical trials?

Clinical trials for Huntington's disease have identified several promising treatments that offer hope to patients. Standing out among them is SAGE-718, currently being tested in two active trials and contributing to a total of four all-time clinical trials since its introduction in 2019. Another notable contender is Tominersen 60 mg, undergoing one active trial and marking the first listing in 2023. Additionally, PTC518 and active tdcs are showing promise with one ongoing trial each after their initial listings in 2022. These innovative treatments exemplify the dedication of researchers striving to combat this debilitating condition and provide potential relief for those affected by Huntington's disease.

What are the most recent clinical trials for huntington's disease?

Recent clinical trials offer promise in the realm of Huntington's disease, a debilitating neurodegenerative disorder. Tominersen 60 mg is undergoing Phase 2 testing and has shown potential as a treatment option for this condition. Another trial, Cohort 1 (Direct Rollover), is currently in Phase 3 and holds hope for improved outcomes in individuals with Huntington's disease. Additionally, SAGE-718 has entered Phase 2 trials and shows promise as a potential therapeutic intervention. The development of PTC518 also offers optimism for future treatments to alleviate the burden of Huntington's disease on patients' lives. With these recent advancements, there is renewed hope on the horizon for those affected by this challenging condition.

What huntington's disease clinical trials were recently completed?

Recently completed clinical trials for Huntington's disease have made significant strides in the search for effective treatments. In August 2020, Annexon, Inc. successfully concluded a trial focusing on ANX005 therapy. The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston also reached an important milestone in August 2019 with their completion of a trial studying Dextromethorphan/quinidine (DM/Q) treatment. Additionally, Hoffmann-La Roche completed two separate trials: one exploring RO7234292 (RG6042) therapy in April 2019 and another investigating RO7234292 alone in January 2019. These advancements bring hope to those affected by Huntington's disease and highlight the dedication of researchers working towards improved therapies for this challenging condition.