Kaposi Sarcoma Clinical Trials 2023

Kaposi Sarcoma Clinical Trials 2023

Kaposi Sarcoma research studies recruiting patients in 2023 need your help. Receive premium care & cutting edge treatments by enrolling in kaposi sarcoma clinical trials today.

Trials for KS Patients

Trials for Kaposi's Sarcoma Patients

Trials With No Placebo

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the 'trial drug' — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
Is there any support for travel costs?
Many of the teams running clinical trials will cover the cost of transportation to-and-from their care center.
Will I know what medication I am taking?
This depends on the specific study. If you're worried about receiving a placebo, you can actively filter out these trials using our search.
How long do clinical trials last?
Some trials will only require a single visit, while others will continue until your disease returns. It's fairly common for a trial to last somewhere between 1 and 6 months.
Do you verify all the trials on your website?
All of the trials listed on Power have been formally registered with the US Food and Drug Administration. Beyond this, some trials on Power have been formally 'verified' if the team behind the trial has completed an additional level of verification with our team.
How quickly will I hear back from a clinical trial?
Sadly, this response time can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks. We're working hard to speed up how quickly you hear back — in general, verified trials respond to patients within a few days.

Introduction to kaposi sarcoma

What are the top hospitals conducting kaposi sarcoma research?

In the realm of clinical trials for Kaposi sarcoma, a rare form of cancer that primarily affects the skin and mucous membranes, several distinguished hospitals are leading the charge. At the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, researchers are currently overseeing five active trials dedicated to understanding and improving treatment options for this condition. With nine total trials conducted since their first recorded endeavor in 2000, this institution has been at the forefront of Kaposi sarcoma research.

On the West Coast, UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center in La Jolla is making promising strides with two ongoing clinical trials focused on this particular type of cancer. Since initiating their inaugural trial in 2010, they have accumulated four studies aimed at advancing our understanding and management of Kaposi sarcoma.

Across the country in Seattle, Virginia Mason Medical Center is also actively contributing to progress against Kaposi sarcoma through two ongoing clinical trials. To date, they have conducted six such trials since recording their first effort in 2010.

Further inland at Washington University in Saint Louis, researchers are delving into potential solutions for Kaposi sarcoma with two active clinical trials. While their journey began comparatively recently with their initial recorded trial taking place only three years ago (in 2018), these efforts highlight a dedication to finding answers and improving outcomes for those affected by this uncommon malignancy.

In California's vibrant city by the bay—San Francisco—the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital takes part with one ongoing clinical trial focusing specifically on Kaposi sarcoma. Their commitment extends beyond current endeavors as they have already completed five prior studies since venturing into this research area starting from 2015.

The collective efforts exhibited by these top-notch medical institutions demonstrate an unwavering commitment to unraveling mysteries surrounding Kaposi sarcoma while seeking innovative strategies for its prevention and treatment. By pushing boundaries through cutting-edge research initiatives like these clinical trials, they offer hope to individuals living with this rare form of cancer and inspire optimism for the future.

Which are the best cities for kaposi sarcoma clinical trials?

In the realm of clinical trials for Kaposi sarcoma, several cities emerge as frontrunners in research and innovation. Bethesda, Maryland leads the way with 6 ongoing trials investigating treatments such as liposomal doxorubicin, Arm 1, and Abemaciclib. New york, New York follows closely behind with 6 active studies centered around Treatment, Pomalidomide, and Efineptakin alfa. San Francisco, California also plays a significant role with 5 ongoing trials exploring various treatment options. Rounding out this list are Chicago, Illinois and Seattle Washington with their respective contributions to understanding Kaposi sarcoma through multiple active trials focused on promising interventions like Pharmacological Study and Pomalidomide. These cities provide individuals affected by Kaposi sarcoma access to cutting-edge clinical trials that may herald advancements in care for this condition.

Which are the top treatments for kaposi sarcoma being explored in clinical trials?

Exciting developments are underway in the realm of Kaposi Sarcoma treatment, with a trio of promising contenders leading the way. Abemaciclib takes center stage, currently undergoing one active clinical trial dedicated to this specific type of sarcoma. Similarly, Efineptakin alfa is showing promise with one ongoing trial focused on treating Kaposi Sarcoma. Lastly, Pomalidomide has garnered attention through four previous trials and is now being explored further in an active study for its potential efficacy against this disease. With these advancements, hope continues to rise for improved outcomes and better quality of life for those affected by Kaposi Sarcoma.

What are the most recent clinical trials for kaposi sarcoma?

Recent clinical trials offer new hope for individuals with kaposi sarcoma. Efineptakin alfa, a drug currently in Phase 1 testing, shows promise as a potential treatment option. Additionally, pomalidomide is being evaluated in Phase 2 trials and may provide improved outcomes for patients. The effectiveness of abemaciclib is also being investigated through combined Phase 1 and Phase 2 studies. Another promising candidate is sEphB4-HSA, which has entered Phase 2 trials to evaluate its efficacy against kaposi sarcoma. Lastly, NHS-IL12 is undergoing combined Phase 1 and Phase 2 testing to assess its therapeutic benefits for individuals with this condition. These clinical trials signify important advancements in the search for effective treatments against kaposi sarcoma.

What kaposi sarcoma clinical trials were recently completed?

Recent advancements in the field of kaposi sarcoma have seen the completion of several noteworthy clinical trials. One such trial, sponsored by the AIDS Malignancy Consortium, investigated the potential of Nelfinavir Mesylate and reached its conclusion in March 2017. Similarly, the National Cancer Institute conducted a trial exploring Pomalidomide as a treatment option for kaposi sarcoma, which was completed back in January 2012. These trials mark important milestones in our understanding and approach to managing this complex disease.