Liver Disease Clinical Trials 2023

Liver Disease Clinical Trials 2023

Liver Disease research studies recruiting patients in 2023 need your help. Receive premium care & cutting edge treatments by enrolling in liver disease clinical trials today.

Trials for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients

Trials for Fatty Liver Disease Patients

Phase 3 Trials

Trials With No Placebo

Trials Offering Remuneration

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the 'trial drug' — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
Is there any support for travel costs?
Many of the teams running clinical trials will cover the cost of transportation to-and-from their care center.
Will I know what medication I am taking?
This depends on the specific study. If you're worried about receiving a placebo, you can actively filter out these trials using our search.
How long do clinical trials last?
Some trials will only require a single visit, while others will continue until your disease returns. It's fairly common for a trial to last somewhere between 1 and 6 months.
Do you verify all the trials on your website?
All of the trials listed on Power have been formally registered with the US Food and Drug Administration. Beyond this, some trials on Power have been formally 'verified' if the team behind the trial has completed an additional level of verification with our team.
How quickly will I hear back from a clinical trial?
Sadly, this response time can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks. We're working hard to speed up how quickly you hear back — in general, verified trials respond to patients within a few days.

Introduction to liver disease

What are the top hospitals conducting liver disease research?

In the realm of liver disease research, several hospitals are making significant strides in understanding and treating this complex condition. Massachusetts General Hospital, located in the vibrant city of Boston, leads the pack with four active clinical trials focused on liver disease. With a total of 22 studies conducted to date since their first recorded trial in 2010, this institution is dedicated to uncovering innovative interventions for patients suffering from liver-related ailments. Meanwhile, across the country in Tustin, California, Orange County Research Center is also playing a crucial role by conducting three ongoing liver disease trials and contributing to 15 previous investigations since initiating their inaugural study in 2015.

Moving further south to Gainesville, Florida, we find the University of Florida at the forefront of liver disease research as well. This esteemed institution currently has three active clinical trials dedicated to studying and developing treatments for various types of liver diseases. Since embarking on its first recorded trial back in 1999, they have completed nine studies that have significantly contributed to our understanding of these conditions.

Notably renowned for its healthcare excellence nationwide,Mayo Clinic's Rochester branch too contributes remarkably within this field; demonstrating dedication with having three concurrent active experiments focusing specifically upon diverse aspects concerning different forms associated with Liver Disease cases.Substantial contributions made yielding reliable results derived from previously held nine incrementally accumulated experiments dating all way back until it's initial pioneering investigation efforts initiated around year ,2012.

Lastly yet assuredly not lacking significance,Tampa's Genesis Clinical Research comes forward showcasing commendable effort where two current underway clinical tests concentrate squarely upon investigating ways potentially helping those affected by Liver Diseases.At present theirs seems minimal but not forgetting that they had begun delving into these areas just recently -in early2022- thereby holding traceable culmination limited unto four times so far through smaller-scale projects under taken aimed towards wider communities'

Collectively,the unwavering commitment demonstrated by these institutions emphasizes an encouraging message: medical professionals and researchers are actively working towards a future where liver diseases will be better understood, diagnosed, and treated. Through these pioneering clinical trials conducted nationwide, the hope for improved therapies and ultimately better outcomes is steadily becoming a reality for countless individuals affected by liver disease.

Which are the best cities for liver disease clinical trials?

When it comes to liver disease clinical trials, several cities stand out as leaders in research and development. San Antonio, Texas leads the way with 15 active trials focused on studying interventions like Resmetirom and BI 456906. New york, New York follows closely behind with 11 ongoing studies exploring treatments such as Fazirsiran and TIPS with Scorpion Portal Vein Access Kit. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is also a key player with 9 active trials investigating innovative approaches like SHAPE measurement and Transitional Liver Clinic (TLC). These cities offer individuals affected by liver disease access to cutting-edge clinical trials that hold promise for better treatment options and improved outcomes.

Which are the top treatments for liver disease being explored in clinical trials?

Liver disease continues to be a focus of intensive research, with several promising treatments making their mark in clinical trials. The Transitional Liver Clinic (TLC) emerges as a top contender, currently being explored in one active trial for liver disease. This innovative approach brings new hope to patients since its first listing in 2023, representing the cutting edge of medical advancements. Another notable player is the GATT-Patch, which has garnered attention with one active and two all-time liver disease trials since its introduction in 2022. As researchers delve deeper into these treatments, they pave the way for potential breakthroughs that could transform the lives of individuals affected by liver diseases worldwide.

What are the most recent clinical trials for liver disease?

The field of liver disease research is making significant strides with recent clinical trials offering hope for patients. One such trial, LY3885125 (Part A), has entered Phase 1 and holds promise as a potential treatment option. Another Phase 1 trial, BI 3006337 dose group 4, aims to evaluate its efficacy in combating liver disease. Additionally, a Phase 2 study offers the opportunity for individuals to receive targeted treatment specifically developed for liver disease. Notably, a Phase 3 trial focusing on Fazirsiran showcases the progress being made in advancing therapeutic options for this complex condition. These groundbreaking trials signify an exciting era of innovation and improved outcomes for those affected by liver disease.

What liver disease clinical trials were recently completed?

In the field of liver disease, numerous clinical trials have recently concluded, offering hope for improved treatments. Some notable trials include Insmed Incorporated's trial on Brensocatib, completed in October 2022; Pfizer's trial on PF-07081532, completed in August 2022; and Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC's trial on Molnupiravir, completed in June 2022. Other noteworthy studies encompassed Concert Pharmaceuticals' CTP-543 trial (June 2022), Cerevel Therapeutics' Tavapadon trial (April 2022), EQRx Inc.'s aumolertinib trial (March 2022), and Hutchison Medipharma Limited's Fruquintinib trial (March 2022). These diverse investigations contribute to advancing our understanding and treatment options for liver diseases.