Endocrine Disorders Clinical Trials

Endocrine Disorders Clinical Trials

Endocrine disorders research studies recruiting patients need your help. Receive premium care & cutting edge treatments by enrolling in clinical trials today.

Portland, Oregon

Growth Hormone Receptor Antagonist

Pegvisomant for Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

Recruiting2 awards4 criteria
Portland, Oregon

Hypothesis: Pegvisomant combined with the glucagon stimulation test (GST) can improve the accuracy of this test when used to diagnose adult GH and cortisol (steroid hormone)insufficiency. Study aims: Diagnosing GH and cortisol deficiency in adults requires a special test. At present, the insulin tolerance test (ITT) is considered the test of choice. However, this test is difficult to perform as it involves giving insulin through the veins to decrease blood sugars to very low levels, and this can be unpleasant, and cannot be performed in elderly adults and in those with a history of heart disease, seizure disorders or stroke. For this reason there is an urgent need for an alternative reliable test. At present, the GST is considered the alternative test to the ITT but its accuracy in obese patients and in those with diabetes remains unclear. Pegvisomant is a medication that can increase GH production in the body. The purpose of this study is to find out if combining pegvisomant with the GST can help improve the accuracy of this test so that it is comparable with the ITT in diagnosing adult GH and cortisol insufficiency. Study design: Subjects will be recruited from the Oregon Health \& Science University Dynamic Endocrine Testing Unit. A written informed consent will be obtained and a screening interview will be carried out. During the screening interview, the study will be explained to the subject in detail. For women of child-bearing age, a pregnancy test will be performed. The subjects will then take part in three studies on separate days: (1) GST; (2) pegvisomant (1 mg/kg) injection into the abdomen 3 days before the glucagon stimulation test (ii) insulin tolerance test. For the GST, glucagon will be injected into the muscle and blood draws will be performed every 30 mins for 240 mins. For the insulin tolerance test, a blood draw will be performed and insulin will be given into the vein followed by blood draws every 15 mins for 120 mins. The data from all three studies will be analyzed in the study where the peak growth hormone and cortisol levels for all three tests will be compared. A questionnaire will be used at the end of the study for the subjects to rank the level of preference of the three tests. The data of the study will be analyzed using a computer statistical program where the identity of the subjects will be coded to maintain confidentiality.
Houston, Texas

Hormone Therapy

Nutropin for Human Growth Hormone Deficiency

Recruiting2 awards2 criteria
Houston, Texas

The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate the effects of rhGH treatment on glucose, protein and fat metabolism in GHD children. Specifically, the investigators will measure the rates of glucose production, gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, insulin sensitivity and glucagon response before and after treatment with rhGH. In addition, the investigators will study changes in protein and fat metabolism pre and post rhGH therapy in children with GHD. The findings in the GHD children will be compared to those of a control group of age and sex matched healthy children. Hypotheses: H1- The fraction of glucose derived from gluconeogenesis is decreased and that from glycogenolysis is increased in the post-absorptive state in untreated GHD children when compared to healthy children. H2- Treatment with rhGH will not change the overall glucose turnover but will normalize the abnormal partitioning of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in GHD children. H3- GH replacement will reduce urea production and increase estimates of protein synthesis, thus optimizing the availability of amino acids for growth. H4- Untreated children with GHD after an overnight fast will have an increased glucagon challenge response that will decrease after 8 weeks of treatment with rhGH. Specific Aims: In healthy and newly diagnosed GHD children the investigators will: 1. Measure the Glucose Production Rate (GPR) 2. Determine the fraction of glucose derived from gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis 3. Estimate insulin sensitivity 4. Measure proteolysis and protein oxidation 5. Determine glucagon challenge response after an overnight fast. The above-mentioned parameters will be re-evaluated in the children with GHD after 8 weeks of rhGH therapy.

Trials for ACH Patients

Trials for CAH Patients

Phase 3 Trials

Trials With No Placebo

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the 'trial drug' — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
Is there any support for travel costs?
Many of the teams running clinical trials will cover the cost of transportation to-and-from their care center.
Will I know what medication I am taking?
This depends on the specific study. If you're worried about receiving a placebo, you can actively filter out these trials using our search.
How long do clinical trials last?
Some trials will only require a single visit, while others will continue until your disease returns. It's fairly common for a trial to last somewhere between 1 and 6 months.
Do you verify all the trials on your website?
All of the trials listed on Power have been formally registered with the US Food and Drug Administration. Beyond this, some trials on Power have been formally 'verified' if the team behind the trial has completed an additional level of verification with our team.
How quickly will I hear back from a clinical trial?
Sadly, this response time can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks. We're working hard to speed up how quickly you hear back — in general, verified trials respond to patients within a few days.

Introduction to

What are the top hospitals conducting undefined research?

In the realm of medical research, there are countless conditions that still puzzle healthcare professionals and researchers alike. These hospitals listed here have stepped up to tackle one such condition, currently labeled as "undefined." The National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda leads the charge with four ongoing clinical trials dedicated to understanding this enigmatic condition. Despite its mysterious nature, it is important to note that there have been no previous trials conducted on undefined at these institutions or any other hospital for that matter.

Baylor College of Medicine in Houston also joins the quest by actively engaging in four clinical trials aimed at unraveling the mysteries surrounding undefined. Similarly, Ascendis Pharma Investigational Sites located in both Madison and Houston contribute their efforts through three active trials each, striving to shed light on this perplexing condition.

Lastly, Vanderbilt University Medical Center adds its expertise from Nashville into the mix with three ongoing undefined trials. It is a reminder that despite having zero previously recorded studies on this specific condition across all five hospitals mentioned above - these esteemed medical centers stand ready and committed to exploring uncharted territories within medicine.

While we may not yet fully comprehend what defines "undefined," it is through endeavors like these clinical trials where exciting discoveries can be made. With each new step taken towards unlocking its secrets, we inch closer to providing answers and solutions for individuals affected by this elusive health concern.

Which are the best cities for undefined clinical trials?

In the realm of undefined clinical trials, several cities stand out as leaders in research and development. Seattle, Washington takes the lead with 11 active trials investigating treatments such as Crinecerfont, Lonapegsomatropin, and Somatropin. Bethesda, Maryland follows closely behind with 9 ongoing studies focused on innovative approaches like Chronocort, Flutamide, and AAV BBP-631. Houston and Dallas in Texas both have 7 active trials each exploring various treatments including BMN 111, TransCon CNP, Abiraterone acetate among others. Los Angeles in California also shows promise with 6 active trials examining potential breakthroughs like Crinecerfont and AAV BBP-631. These cities serve as hubs for cutting-edge clinical research that paves the way for advancements in medical care.

Which are the top treatments for undefined being explored in clinical trials?

Currently, there are several top treatments being explored in clinical trials for undefined. These include:

  • Daratumumab: 6 active trials, first listed in 2012
  • Belantamab mafodotin: 4 active trials, first listed in 2018
  • Lenalidomide: 3 active trials, first listed in 2003

These treatments show promise and have garnered significant attention as researchers strive to find effective solutions for undefined.

What are the most recent clinical trials for undefined?

The field of clinical trials is constantly evolving, and recent studies have shed light on potential breakthroughs for undefined conditions. One such trial investigated the efficacy of LUM-201 at a dosage of 1.6 mg/kg/day, aiming to provide relief for patients with undefined disorders. Another study explored the benefits of sequential dosing as a treatment approach for this enigmatic condition. Additionally, TransCon CNP showed promise in both Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials, offering hope for improved outcomes in individuals facing undefined health challenges. Furthermore, BMN 111 injection with an injector pen emerged as a potential therapeutic option during its Phase 1 trial period. As researchers continue their quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding these unknown conditions, optimism grows regarding finding effective treatments that can bring relief to those affected by them.

What undefined clinical trials were recently completed?

Apologies, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to current data on clinical trials or the ability to browse the internet. My responses are based on general knowledge up until September 2021. To find information about recently completed clinical trials, I recommend checking reputable sources such as clinicaltrials.gov or consulting with medical professionals and researchers in the field. They can provide accurate and up-to-date information regarding specific clinical trials that have been recently completed.