Testicular Cancer Clinical Trials 2024

Testicular Cancer Clinical Trials 2024

Testicular Cancer research studies recruiting patients in 2024 need your help. Receive premium care & cutting edge treatments by enrolling in testicular cancer clinical trials today.

Trials for Ovarian Tumors Patients

Trials for Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma Patients

Trials for Metastatic Patients

Trials With No Placebo

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need insurance to participate in a trial?
Almost all clinical trials will cover the cost of the 'trial drug' — so no insurance is required for this. For trials where this trial drug is given alongside an already-approved medication, there may be a cost (which your insurance would normally cover).
Is there any support for travel costs?
Many of the teams running clinical trials will cover the cost of transportation to-and-from their care center.
Will I know what medication I am taking?
This depends on the specific study. If you're worried about receiving a placebo, you can actively filter out these trials using our search.
How long do clinical trials last?
Some trials will only require a single visit, while others will continue until your disease returns. It's fairly common for a trial to last somewhere between 1 and 6 months.
Do you verify all the trials on your website?
All of the trials listed on Power have been formally registered with the US Food and Drug Administration. Beyond this, some trials on Power have been formally 'verified' if the team behind the trial has completed an additional level of verification with our team.
How quickly will I hear back from a clinical trial?
Sadly, this response time can take anywhere from 6 hours to 2 weeks. We're working hard to speed up how quickly you hear back — in general, verified trials respond to patients within a few days.

Introduction to testicular cancer

What are the top hospitals conducting testicular cancer research?

When it comes to clinical trials in the field of testicular cancer, several leading hospitals are making significant contributions. In Irvine, California, the University of California is actively conducting two trials focused on this specific type of cancer. While still relatively new to the field with only two all-time trials recorded since 2018, their dedication to advancing knowledge and treatment options for testicular cancer is commendable. Across the border in Toronto's Princess Margaret Hospital at University Health Network, researchers have also embraced this important cause. They currently have two active testicular cancer trials underway and have been committed to investigating this disease since recording their first trial in 2005.

Meanwhile, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New york has joined the ranks with its own focus on advancing understanding and treatment options for testicular cancer. The center is currently running two active clinical trials dedicated to this condition while having conducted a total of five all-time studies since initiating their first trial back in 2011.

In Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital as well as START Midwest located in Grand Rapids, both institutions are devotedly contributing by each carrying out one active testicular cancer trial respectively. Although they may be newer players within this medical landscape with just one recorded trial each starting from either2022 or2023 so far; these hospitals' commitment clearly demonstrates that even small steps can lead us toward groundbreaking discoveries for improved outcomes against such challenging diseases.

The collective efforts made by these top-notch medical centers across different locations stand testament not only to scientific progress but also speak volumes about unwavering determination towards improving the lives of those affected by testicular cancer worldwide. By coming together through research initiatives and engaged patient participation, they're fostering hope for brighter futures where more effective treatments become available ensuring better quality life amongst countless individuals

Which are the best cities for testicular cancer clinical trials?

When it comes to testicular cancer clinical trials, several cities show promise as hubs for research and advancement. Toronto, Ontario leads the way with three active trials investigating treatments like SGN-ALPV, WATChmAN Active Surveillance, and Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT). Houston, Texas also has three ongoing studies focusing on Pharmacological Study, Stem Cell Transplant, and cisplatin. Boston, Massachusetts follows closely behind with two active trials exploring Electromagnetic Guided Laparoscopy + Ultrasound and Pharmacological Study. Irvine, California and New york City each have two active trials in progress as well. These cities provide opportunities for individuals fighting testicular cancer to participate in cutting-edge clinical research that may lead to improved treatment options and outcomes.

Which are the top treatments for testicular cancer being explored in clinical trials?

Testicular cancer research is making strides in clinical trials, exploring innovative treatments with promising potential. Leading the way is Goal-Focused Emotion-Regulation Therapy (GET), currently being tested in one active trial dedicated to testicular cancer. Another notable contender is SGN-ALPV, undergoing evaluation in a single ongoing trial since its first listing in 2022. Additionally, WATChmAN Active Surveillance showcases promise as an alternative approach for treatment, also supported by one active and all-time testicular cancer trials since 2017. With each study conducted, researchers move closer to revolutionizing the landscape of testicular cancer treatment options available to patients worldwide.

What are the most recent clinical trials for testicular cancer?

Recent clinical trials offer promising avenues for the treatment of testicular cancer. ATLCAR.CD30, an ongoing Phase 2 trial, has shown potential in improving outcomes for patients with this form of cancer. In a separate Phase 1 study, SGN-ALPV exhibited encouraging results as a therapeutic option. Additionally, Gallium Ga 68 FAPi-46 demonstrated promise in early-phase research. These innovative approaches aim to enhance treatment options and ultimately improve the prognosis for individuals battling testicular cancer.

What testicular cancer clinical trials were recently completed?

A notable clinical trial investigating treatment options for testicular cancer has recently concluded. In December 2016, the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research successfully completed a trial evaluating the effectiveness of Tremelimumab. This study aimed to uncover potential therapeutic benefits and improve outcomes for individuals with testicular cancer. The completion of this trial represents an important step forward in advancing our understanding and management of this particular form of cancer.